Board of Zoning Appeals
The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) acts on matters pertaining to ordinance variance appeals and ordinance interpretation.  The Board of Zoning Appeals does not have the authority to alter or change the zoning district classification of any property, nor to make any change in the terms of the ordinance. Learn more about the Board of Zoning Appeals in Article 25 of the Zoning Ordinance. 

Public Hearing Notices
[posted when available]

April 2, 2025

2025 Applications

239 High St

Direct all questions to the community development director or call 248-305-2741.

The agenda and meeting packet is posted on the Diligent Portal.

For additional information about the BZA, including membership and meeting dates, visit the Boards and Commission page.

Application Submissions

To apply for a variance, the building official must first determine the type and extent of variance needed.  To do this, you must first apply for a Building Permit. The building official reviews the plans to determine any needed variances. 

DO NOT file a BZA application until you have fulfilled this requirement.  BZA applications filed without meeting this requirement are considered to be incomplete and are deferred to a future meeting.
Meeting Dates and Application Submission Deadlines

General Information 

  • The BZA meets the first Wednesday of the month.  The public is welcome to attend. 
  • Meetings are held at 7 p.m. at City Hall - Council Chambers, 215 W. Main Street, Northville, Michigan, 48167, unless time or location are otherwise noted.
  • Meeting dates or application submission deadlines may be moved due to holidays and holiday newspaper publication.  Follow the posted schedule.
  • Applications are due by 4 p.m. on the posted submission deadline. 
  • Due to publication requirements, submission deadlines are firm.

Note:  Meeting the submission deadline does not ensure the case will be heard at the next BZA meeting. The community development director will review your application, supporting documentation, and determine if the case has the information needed to properly notice the public hearing. Follow the application instructions. If your application is deficient, the case will be deferred to a future meeting. 

2025 Meeting Dates and Submission Deadlines

January 8 (Due to Holiday Closure)
submit application by Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2024

February 5
submit application by Thursday, Jan. 2, 2024 (Moved due to New Year's Day)

March 5
submit application by Wednesday, Jan. 29
(filing instructions are in the application)

April 2
submit application by Wednesday, February 26
(filing instructions are in the application)

May 7
submit application by Wednesday, April 2
(filing instructions are in the application)

June 4
submit application by Wednesday, April 30
(filing instructions are in the application)

July 2
submit application by Wednesday, May 28
(filing instructions are in the application)

August 6
submit application by Wednesday, July 2
(filing instructions are in the application)

September 3
submit application by Wednesday, July 30
(filing instructions are in the application)

October 1
submit application by Wednesday, Aug. 27
(filing instructions are in the application)

November 5
submit application by Wednesday, Oct. 1
(filing instructions are in the application)

December 3
submit application by Wednesday, Oct. 29
(filing instructions are in the application)

2026 Meeting Dates and Submission Deadlines

January 7
submit application by Wednesday, Dec. 3 
(filing instructions are in the application)

February 4
submit application by Tuesday, Dec. 30 (Moved due to New Year's Eve) 
(filing instructions are in the application)

Others will be posted by end of January 2026.
Application Review Process
  • BZA applications are reviewed by the community development director to determine if they are complete. Incomplete applications are deferred to a future meeting.  

  • For complete applications, city staff prepares a public hearing notice for publication in the newspaper and mails notification to the applicant and property owners located within 300 feet of the property in which the request is located.

  • Complete applications are provided to BZA members prior to the meeting.

  • Staff reviews are provided to the petitioner by email prior to the scheduled meeting.
Meeting Procedure

The petitioner appears on his/her own behalf, or by representation. Failure to do so will result in the petition being tabled and the petitioner responsible for covering all fees associated with rescheduling the meeting.

Meeting format is as follows: 

  • City official introduces the petition  
  • Petitioner presentation
  • Public hearing
  • Deliberation
  • Motion and vote

BZA members have the authority to grant a lesser variance than requested upon finding justice shall be served. In addition, the BZA may require conditions related to the site, operation, and/or use to mitigate the impact of any variance.

Approvals and Permits

Approval of a Non-Use (Dimensional) Variance is valid for one year.  The application for a building permit or zoning/compliance permit must be submitted within this period. 

Approval of a Use Variance is valid for one year, during which time the use must be established on the subject site or a building permit obtained.