Board of Review

The members of the Board of Review are volunteers from your neighborhood who review the assessment roll on behalf of Northville residents. The size, composition, and manner of appointment of the Board of Review is prescribed by the City Charter. Three qualified and registered electors of the city are appointed by the City Council. These members shall not be City officials or employees or candidates for elective City office. The Board members serve on alternate three-year terms. The Council is responsible to assign the compensation of the members of the board. Two of the three members of a Board of Review Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of the committee.

The Board of Review shall convene in its first session on the Tuesday following the second Monday in March. The City Council approves the rest of the schedule per an annual resolution. Click here to view the Board of Review meeting dates and member directory.
  • Property Tax Appeal Procedures, Qualified Agricultural Property Exemptions, and Homeowner's Principal Residence Exemption

Property Tax Appeal Procedures 

Please select type of appeal below for more information
Assessed Value and/or Tentative Taxable Value

Board of Review - March

Treasury - No Review Authority

State Tax Commission - No Review Authority


  • May 31 - Industrial, Developmental, or Commercial classes
  • July 31 - Residential, Timber-Cutover, or Agricultural classes
Poverty/Hardship Exemptions Under MCL 211.7u

Board of Review - March, July, or December

Treasury - No Review Authority

State Tax Commission - No Review Authority


  • July 31 - In writing (March)
  • Within 30 days of Denial (July or December)
Assessment Classification
Board of Review - March

Treasury - No Review Authority

State Tax Commission - June 30

Tribunal - No Review Authority

Homeowner's Principal Residence Exemption 

Please select type of appeal below for more information
Denial by Assessor or Auditing County of Homeowner's Principal Residence Exemption for current or three years prior
Board of Review - No Review Authority

Treasury - No Review Authority

State Tax Commission - No Review Authority

Tribunal - Within 35 days after date of notice of denial
Homeowner's Principal Residence Exemption which was NOT on the tax roll for the current year or three years prior
Board of Review - July or December

Treasury - Within 35 days of Board of Review Action

State Tax Commission - No Review Authority

Tribunal - Within 35 days after date of decision by Treasury
Denial by Assessor due to Rescission of Homeowner's Principal Residence Exemption
Board of Review - No Review Authority

Treasury - No Review Authority

State Tax Commission - No Review Authority

Tribunal - Within 35 days after date of notice of denial
Treasury Denial of Homeowner's Principal Residence Exemption
Board of Review - No Review Authority

Treasury - Within 35 days after date of notice of denial

State Tax Commission - No Review Authority

Tribunal - Within 35 days of the final decision by Treasury
Contact Us
  • Questions?Email
  • Phone: 248-305-2704 or 248-449-9901
    Fax: 248-305-2892
  • Hours: Wednesday8:00 am - 4:30 pm