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Downs redevelopment update  – Week of Sept. 30

The Downs site, extending from Cady to 7 Mile and from Center to River, has been cleared and is ready for a fresh start and a new chapter in the Northville community. Two sections just west of the main site (former Farmer’s Market location and an infill parcel north of Fairbrook) have also been cleared. Toll Brothers will begin bringing clean fill dirt into the main Downs site. The underground storm detention system is being installed on the former Farmers’ Market site.

Work on the river park has begun. Contractors have begun forming the contours of the river park. Air particulate monitoring and air contaminant monitoring for the river park is underway and will continue during river excavation. The actual daylighting of the river – moving the water flow from the culvert into a new river bed is planned for Summer 2025.

A new construction entrance was created on the north end of the river park site to allow trucks involved in the river project direct access to Griswold, and to separate them from trucks working in the center of the site, which will continue to use the Center St. entrance/exit.

Griswold will remain closed to regular street traffic from Cady to Beal for the river park construction. It is open only for construction workers to access the site and for trucks to use when transporting materials off site. The sidewalk is open to all pedestrians.

The Downs project will be divided into four areas: the area north of the Beal Street extension, developed by HP and Perennial; the river park, constructed by HP; the central portion of the main site, developed by Toll Brothers; and the out-lots west of Center Street, also being developed by Toll Brothers.

Each of these areas will be delineated by a combination of orange construction fence, moveable chain-link fence panels or installed chain link fence with wind screen. Approved soil erosion and sedimentation control plans will be followed. These measures include silt fence and dust control; mud mats at construction entrances to clean the dirt from truck tires; street cleaning; and trucks must be covered when carrying soil to or from the construction site.

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Photo:  A view of the Downs site taken on Cady looking south. Photo by Liz Cezat

Downs Site cleared- photo taken Sept. 5, 2024