Employment / Job Postings
The city is accepting applications for the following positions.

Full-time Police Officer
View details for this position here
Parks and Recreation positions
Parks & Recreation is a shared service between the City of Northville and Northville Township.  All job postings for this department can be found on  the Northville Township website.

Please use the appropriate application form for the position being applied for. Completed applications should be sent to the following address unless directed otherwise in a job posting or advertisement.

City of Northville
Attn: HR Specialist
215 West Main Street
Northville, MI 48167

[email protected]s

The City of Northville is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

  • Police officer/crossing guard Employment Application

Email List                  

To receive email updates regarding employment opportunities with the City of Northville, click here.

Contact Us
  • Melissa WymanHR SpecialistEmail
  • Phone: 248-449-9907
    Fax: 248-305-2895
  • Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.