Principal Residence Exemption

Public Acts 312 and 331 of 1993 provided for a principal residence exemption from a portion of school operating taxes. Homeowners are required to fill out an affidavit to claim this exemption. The filing deadline is June 1. The exemption will remain in place until Dec. 31. An already existing filing will not require any additional filing as long as the exemption status remains unchanged. Any time the exemption status of a property changes, the party or parties are required to file an affidavit with the assessor for the city or township where the property is located. Michigan Department of Treasury Form 2602, Request to Rescind/Withdraw Principal Residence Exemption, is required to be filed if you wish to adjust an exemption. (Form 2602, "Request to Rescind/Withdraw Principal Exemption") Examples of reasons to file this form are: sale of your principal residence to a new owner; conversion of part or all of your principal residence to a rental; and, your property is receiving an exemption in error and did not qualify.

Michigan Department of Treasury Form 2368, Principal Residence Exemption Affidavit, is required to be filed if you wish to receive an exemption. (Form 2368, Principal Residence Exemption Affidavit) Once you file on a residence, no additional filings are required as long as the claimant's exemption status remains unchanged.  A property must be owned and occupied as a principal residence on or before June 1 to qualify as a homestead for that assessment year. Filing deadlines require the receipt by the Assessor's Office or a postmark on or before June 1.
  • Guidelines for the Michigan Homeowner’s Principal Residence Exemption Program
  • Conditional Rescission of Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Us
  • Ben GriffinAssessorEmail
  • Phone: 248-305-2704
    Fax: 248-305-2892
  • Hours: Wednesday8:00 am - 4:30 pm