Roundabout presentation draws interest
Posted on 07/18/2024
City Hall is where City Council meetings are held.City Council recap of July 15 meeting

City Manager George Lahanas noted that the police officers scheduled to be introduced to Council were called away for police duty and could not attend the meeting.

At the request of Mayor Pro Tem Barbara Moroski-Browne, the Priority Waste contract with the city was moved from the consent agenda to the regular agenda as item C, re-ordering the closed session as item D.

7 Mile Roundabout presentation –
OHM Advisors’ team of John Katers, engineer, and Stacy Tober, landscape architect, presented an update on the roundabout slated for 7 Mile and Sheldon Road, including proposed landscaping, cross-walks, costs and scheduling. The roundabout is estimated to cost $2.55 million with $2.17 million in federal grants and a grant match of $375,000 to be paid by the city. The proposed timeline is to begin construction in July 2025 and complete it in three months. View the slide deck here. A public meeting is slated for Aug. 12 to obtain citizen comments. Several people expressed comments or concerns at the Council meeting.

Property Maintenance Code update –
The first reading was held to introduce the amendment to Chapter 14, Article VI of the Code of Ordinances, which would adopt the 2024 International Property Maintenance Code with city amendments as part of the Property Maintenance Code (section 14-159 and 14-160). The remaining sections and subsections in Chapter 14, Article VI are not impacted and shall remain in effect. Mayor Pro Tem Moroski Browne suggested an edit regarding the stormwater drainage section title. The first reading passed with city amendments and a second reading is scheduled for the Council’s August 5 meeting.

Parking credits agreement with MainCentre –
Council approved a first amendment to the restated and amended parking credits agreement with Main Centre Apartments. The new version replaces the previous agreement, which was drawn up in 1994 to govern construction of the MainCentre parking deck (Lot 4 Deck). This legal agreement was required as part of the management agreement signed by the city with Main Centre Apartments earlier in 2024.

New waste collection service –
Council approved the agreement transfer between GFL and Priority for the collection of solid waste, recyclables and yard waste, and other services for the city of Northville. Given short notice of the change in ownership, the agreement transfer was executed by DPW Director Mike Domine prior to July 1 to avoid interruption of city waste collection services. Council members reported on dissatisfaction among residents for missed collections under the new ownership. DPW is working with Priority to resolve those issues, in part through a new portal that records and monitors missed pick-ups.

Closed session –
Council entered into a closed session to consider a written communication subject to attorney-client privilege under Section 8(g) of the Open Meetings Act, and to consult with its attorney in connection with trial or settlement strategy in the litigation of Let’s Open Northville vs. City of Northville under Section 8(e) of the Open Meetings Act

Consent agenda –
Among items approved in the consent agenda, these are significant for their improvement value to the community.

A contract for the 2024 Pavement Marking Program was awarded to PK Contracting for $24,329. The project was bid out, but only PK Contracting submitted a bid; the company has previously done this type of work for the city.

A contract in the amount of $18,500 for the 2024 Joint and Crack Sealing Program was awarded to Wolverine Sealcoating, the low bidder.

A resolution that authorizes the Public Works director to act as an agent to sign a contract between the city of Northville and the Michigan Department of Transportation for the construction of countdown pedestrian signals at seven intersections. This comes after an MDOT grant for $85,995 was awarded for fiscal year 2024. (The balance of the $9,555 cost will be split between the city and Wayne County.) This project includes improvements to the seven countdown pedestrian signals throughout the city at: Center Street at 8 Mile, Center at Dunlap, Center at Main St., Center at 7 Mile, Main St. at Hutton, Main at Griswold, and 8 Mile at Novi Road.

Public Comment (not related to agenda items)
• Carol Souchock, 13094 Woodbridge Cir. Plymouth
• David Marold, 443 Grace
• Jessica Poole, 137 E. Main
• Corey McPherson, 137 E. Main
• Steve Pichan, 611 Ashley Ct.
• Cindy Brazen, 370 Fairbrook
• Andy Genitti, 512 Eaton
• Denise Jenkins, for Dr. Demray’s office at 371 East Main
• Joe Corriveau, 237 S Wing St.
• Greg Stefl, 21991 Ironside Ct.
• Tony Genitti, 132 E. Main
• Tim Johnson, 47234 Dunsany
• Dave Basher, 337 Sherry Ln.
• Jeff Snyder, 508 Gardner St.
• Ed Brazen, 370 Fairbrook
• William Demray, Owner of Preservation Dental, 374 E. Main
• Lenore Lewandowski, 119 Randolph
• Laurie Johnson, 47234 Dunsany
• Roxanne Casterline, 122 Dunlap

Council Communications
Mayor Brian Turnbull thanked citizens who serve on the city’s boards and commissions and task forces for helping the move the city forward. He noted it was a busy weekend in town with a “congressional parade of cars” and the Concours d’Elegance.

Council Member Laura Genitti said Northville High School senior Dante Nori (#27) has been drafted into the National League of the MLB. Council members expressed their congratulations.

View the meeting video here. The meeting lasted four hours.