Attending Council Meetings
Public attendance is encouraged at City Council meetings. The City Council typically meets on the first and third Monday of each month. However, the meeting schedule may vary due to holidays and special circumstances. Special meetings may be called periodically to address particular issues or to conduct a joint meeting with another governing body or other City advisory boards or commissions. Dates and times are posted on the website calendar.

The mayor presides over most meetings of the City Council. When the mayor is absent, the mayor pro tem conducts the meeting.

At each meeting of the City Council an agenda of business to be conducted is prepared. Copies of the agenda are available inside the entrance to the City Council Chambers. Citizens are welcome to address the City Council on matters not on the City Council agenda under the "citizens comments" section of the agenda. Otherwise, the City Council will allow citizen comments when each matter of business is addressed on the agenda.

If you have a matter of concern, it is suggested that you contact the appropriate department for assistance. If you are unsure where to turn to for help, contact the City Manager’s Office. City staff may be able to address your concern quickly. If you are not satisfied with City staff response or resolution, you can always address the City Council on any matter of concern.

Suggestions for addressing the City Council:
  • Determine if your matter of concern is already on the agenda.
  • The mayor will ask for comments or input for matters not on the agenda under "citizens comments." When this is announced, you may ask to be acknowledged by the mayor.
  • Give your name and address (for the record) before speaking on your matter of concern.
  • Speak directly to the mayor or whoever is chairing the meeting.
  • State your concern clearly and succinctly. Be specific. Please limit your comments to two minutes or less.
For matters requiring discussion beyond two minutes, City Council may add your item to the regular agenda for more discussion later in the meeting.

Council Members - Nov. 2023
Northville City Council members, from left, Andrew Krenz, Barbara Moroski-Browne, Mayor Brian Turnbull, Laura Genitti and John Carter.  
Photo by Liz Cezat