Serenity Point closer to reconstruction
Posted on 06/20/2024
City Hall is where City Council meetings are held.City Council recap of June 17 meeting

Council approved changes to the consent agenda that removed items J, K and L from the consent agenda (various purchases for apartments at Allen Terrace) and tabled them for a future agenda, and moved the June 3 meeting minutes to the regular agenda. Two additions were made to the consent agenda, adding new members to the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals, which became items C-2 and C-3.

July is Parks and Recreation month in Northville - Parks and Recreation Director Derek Smith made a presentation to City Council relating to the role that the Northville Parks & Recreation Department plays in creating a more active and healthy community for all ages. The theme of the NRPA’s Park and Recreation month in July is “Where you Belong.” To illustrate that concept, he said Northville’s programming is inclusive and strives to make meaningful connections for those who participate in activities such as team sports, camps and social events. He noted that July 19 is observed nationally as Parks & Recreation Professionals’ Day and will be celebrated as such in the Northville community. Eleven people work in the Parks & Recreation Department, a shared service of the city and township. The staff creates and implements extensive programming for all ages, including a new skatepark geared toward youth and field trips and social events for seniors. Council signed a proclamation in the consent agenda that declared July as Parks & Recreation Month in the city of Northville.

Randolph Drain at Serenity Point restoration update – Council granted permission for Randolph Street Drain Drainage District representatives and contractors to enter Serenity Point at Ford Field to conduct the work needed to rebuild and reinforce the area where the Randolph Drain meets the Rouge River. Strategic Planning Director Wendy Longpre presented a project update. Slides in the presentation showed a series of weirs (walls) and rock placement that will help direct the flow of water from the drain’s outlet under Hutton Street into the Middle Rouge River. A new, longer culvert lining will channel the water from the drain into the river, guiding it over an 8 to 10-foot elevation change. Estimated project costs have increased from $700,000 to $1,068,342, including contingencies, and will be funded by a $560,000 Clean Water Grant and the municipalities that will benefit from the project. The city’s portion of the project cost has increased from $87,067 to $316,140. Funds are available in the Drain Fund to cover this higher cost. The asphalt path on the north entrance to Ford Field will be closed during the construction phase so heavy equipment can enter the site. That work is slated to begin in August. (After the riverbank reconstruction is complete, that entrance will be rebuilt.) The city plans to schedule a Community Engagement meeting in July to describe the project to citizens, show renderings, answer questions and invite comments.

Review of June 3 meeting minutes - Mayor Pro Tem Barbara Moroski-Browne changed some wording on her section of council communications, with the approval of fellow council members.

Closed session – Council moved to closed session with the city attorney to discuss an attorney-client privileged memorandum that is exempt from disclosure. When they reconvened, they unanimously approved what was agreed to in the closed session.

Public Comment
• Steve Pichan, 611 Ashley Ct.
• Lori Johnson, 47234 Dunsany Rd.
• Lenore Lewandowski, 119 Randolph

Letters submitted to City Council (included in the package)
• Cindi Brazen
• Kevin Hebert
• Jeff Snyder

Council Communication

Mayor Brian Turnbull thanked citizens for being involved in improvements being made in the city, noting it wouldn’t be possible to do so many projects without their assistance and support. On another matter, he said there will be an infrastructure town hall with U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell at the Community Center on Tuesday, June 18, from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

Council Member John Carter congratulated the Northville High School baseball team on their state championship. He mentioned there’s a Sustainability Team meeting on June 24 and a citizen engagement session on the playground planned to replace Fort Griswold on June 27. (See city calendar for times and location.)

Mayor Pro Tem Barbara Moroski-Browne said she was pleased the city sent letters to residents of the Historic District notifying them of the Historic District Design Guidelines Public Comment session set for Wednesday, June 19, at 6 p.m. at City Hall. She encouraged people to attend.

Watch the meeting video here.