Valentine's Day in the 'Ville
Posted on 01/27/2025
Mayor Brian Turnbull



Valentine’s Day 2025 – We are on the cusp of that time of year again, when we slow down and think of those close to us. Valentine’s Day is the perfect occasion to recognize those in our lives, such as family members, significant others, friends, or even neighbors. Take a moment to reach out and spread some Valentine cheer, and let those in your world know how much you appreciate them.


  • Valentine’s Day, also called Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14th. Its origins can be traced to Rome (496 A.D.), having originated as a festival day honoring the Christian martyr Saint Valentine.
  • Through traditions it has become a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.

This week, like I have done in the past, I’ve reviewed previous Northville Records going back to the 1800’s to show what was written about Valentine’s Day locally.

Before we look at the Valentine’s Day through the years, let’s see what’s going on today!

  • Mill Race VillageStroll through the newly bricked lane at the Village. Support the Historical Society by becoming a member (Link) or by engraving a brick (Link).
  • Tipping Point Theatre – Attend the latest show, Halftime with Don. Link
  • Northville Community Awards Dinner (Public Invited) – 2/6, 5pm @ Genitti’s, followed by presentations @ the Marquis Theatre, sponsored by the Chamber Link
  • Maybury State Park Activities: Full Moon Night Hike – 2/8 (Saturday) 7-9PM Link and 2/15 Maybury Farm Valentine Celebration 10AM-2PM (Saturday) Link
  • Community Valentine Blood Drive2/16 (Sunday) 7:30am-1:30pm (Meth. Church, 777 8 Mile) Link (Sponsor Code: fumcnville)
  • Chili’in the Ville 2/22, 1-4pm, Downtown Northville.  Chili cookoff between local fire departments & restaurants, tickets available for $10 for 8 small cups of chili. Link
  • Interurban in Northville with Brian Golden – 2/26, 7pm, Mill Race Village Link
  • Declan’s Dance: A St. Patrick’s Day Celebration – 3/15, 7-11:30pm @ Marquis Theatre, featuring Maggie McCabe & Gerard Smith, O’Hare Irish Dancers, and the Shawn Riley Band. Proceeds go to the Ford Field Playground via the Declan Carter Foundation. Tickets available soon!


 Projects Around Town

  • Ford Field – Phase I (Winter): Infrastructure @ Randolph Drain waterfall underway this week, Phase II (Spring) Vista overlook, fencing, staircase & ADA entrance, playscape.
  • Riverwalk – Retention Pond & Riverbed construction continuing. Historic Log Cabin positioned, and other sections being engineered.
  • Downs Initiative – Streets/Curbs poured & vertical rough carpentry for Toll Brothers’ Town Homes models being completed on Center Street for the 18 units on 7/Sheldon.
  • Grants that Support Northville’s Community Initiatives – Link


  • Bicentennial Task Force – Next meeting 2/13. Volunteers are welcome to join work teams. For info, write [email protected]
  • Cemetery Restoration Task Force – Next Meeting reschedule to 3/10. Stop by Oakwood Cemetery to see progress - Contact Dave Marold for info; [email protected]


Let’s look back on past Northville Valentine Days of Yesteryear:

1897 –  A special section was written for the first time in The Northville Record (which dates back to 1869) featuring Valentine’s Day gifts. This year included a special page with illustrations (see above) and a variety of romantic stories and poetry.

1923 –  Again, a hundred+ years ago, a whole section in the paper was dedicated to local Valentine’s Day specials. Northville Drugs (Lucy & the Wolf today) offered chocolates, cards, and special RED fountain drinks.

1939 –  My grandfather’s Northville Electric Shop (Baby Baby resale store today) advertised “Practical Valentine gifts”, including radios, lamps & electric clocks to “Make life easier for Mom.”

Additionally, Freydl’s (now Adorn Fine Flowers) published this racy poem:

If you’ve a special Valentine
And you’d like to make her thine
Glance about at our gay array
Of perfume, jewels, and lingerie.

1940 - The D & C Store (Great Harvest Bread) advertised 29-cent heart-shaped Candy Boxes.

1949 - Freydl’s Men’s store (Genitti’s Theater today) had a V-Day tie sale… all for 64 cents.

1957 - Paul’s Sweet Shop (Mill Race Village General Store) previously stood where Studio 170 is today and advertised “Paul’s homemade candies make Happy Hearts.”  Proprietor Paul Folino was a Mayoral candidate & Citizen of the Year Award recipient.

1958 - Cupid’s Guide to Valentine gifts from local stores debuted in The Northville Record.

1959 - WJR’s vocalist Jan Wynn was featured with the Jimmie Clark orchestra (sponsored by the Northville Rotary Club) at its Valentine dance at the Northville Community Center.

1964 - A Valentines dinner-dance was sponsored by the Northville Newcomers Club and was hosted at the VFW Hall. Northville was always known for Valentine’s Day dances, from big bands in the late 1800’s to orchestras in the mid 1900’s to Rockers in the 1960’s & 70’s.

1968 - Bob Seger played at “The Cavern” in town around Valentine’s Day in ’67 & ’68. He actually performed four times there in 1967 and again in 1968, just before he headlined at Cobo Hall. The Anti-War song that hit the top of the charts in Europe entitled “2+2” was reportedly debuted at The Northville Cavern before it was released in 1968.

1981 - Genitti’s had jars of jellybeans along with various candy sticks (Red & White) on their window ledge for Valentine’s Day. They also had extra sweets at their counter for the holiday.

2013 - The Record featured photos of town Seniors on the front page enjoying their annual Valentine’s Day gathering at the Community Center.

Let’s move forward helping others along the way while reaching out during this Valentine’s Day season to keep all connected in the community!

Keep that Northville Valentine’s Day Faith!
