As we celebrate National Women’s Month and related local history, I will highlight some standout Northville women who have truly made a difference, locally and globally.
Global Women’s Month Celebration:
Women’s History Month (March) has been observed since 1987, and celebrates women’s contributions to history, culture and the needs of society. The theme for 2025 is “Women Educating and Inspiring Generations.”
In 1776, future First Lady Abigail Adams sent a note to her husband stating, “Remember the ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors.”
Many glass ceilings have been shattered in this country, and progress is continuing … a famous quote is “When there are no ceilings, the sky’s the limit.”
Multiple women have broken through difficult glass ceilings (or in some cases, truly hardwood ceilings), including Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, Amelia Earhart, Golda Meir, Margaret Thatcher, and many more known to us.
Today, I would like to highlight some special women close to home, including Alice Beal, Mary Lapham, Mary Gilbert, former Governor Jennifer Granholm and business leaders such as Mary Barra (CEO-GM) … notably, all are Northvillians.
Before we look at local Women's History, let's see what's going on today!
- A Ride Through Northville with Ellen Elliot & Hugh Jordan – 3/27, 7pm @ Mill Race Village. Hear the story behind the 3-year long project that produced the newest coffee table book that captures Northville from the 1950s through the 1980s. Link
- City of Northville Ford Field Playground for the Future Initiative …Contribute to a state matching grant which ends 4/22 from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (Link), as featured in The Northville Record (Link) and on WWJ 950.
- Special Thanks go out to all in the community that attended the first annual Declan’s Dance: A St. Patrick’s Day Celebration last weekend which was a fundraiser for the Ford Field Playscape. Cheers go out to the organizers; John & Liz Carter, Brandon Beuter and Shawn Riley .Donations are still welcome! Link
- Maple Syrup Tours at Maybury Farm– Weekends, till 3/30Link
- State of the Community Luncheon – 4/11, 11:30am –Hosted by the Northville Chamber of Commerce @ Schoolcraft College Link
- Northville in recent media – Channel 2 Link
- Michigan Central Station Preservation Presentation (AAUW) – 4/8, 6:45pm @ First United Methodist Church, 777 Eight Mile. RSVP to: [email protected] (Link)
- Ford Field – Phase I (Winter): Stop by and see the progress on the Randolph Drain waterfall area, which is nearing completion. Phase II (Spring) Vista overlook, fencing, staircase, ADA entrance, & play structure.
- Riverwalk – Riverbed work progressing, readying to unleash the underground river to the surface early summer. Daylighting of the River will be a reality soon – stay tuned!
- Downs Initiative – Town Homes are in various stages of construction; apartment underground parking being readied and house construction begins this summer.
- Grants that Support Northville’s Community Initiatives – Link
- Cemetery Restoration Task Force – Next Meeting 4/09 @ City Hall 7pm; Stop by Oakwood Cemetery to see progress - for info contact Dave @ [email protected]
- Bicentennial Task Force – 4/29 @ City Hall 7:30pm. Volunteers welcome to join work teams … for info, write[email protected]