A busy intersection leading into the city from the south and along Hines Drive is undergoing roadwork this weekend. DPW staff and a contractor will be at the intersection of S. Center St. and 7 Mile on Friday July 23 to make road restorations to the area impacted by a water main break that occurred last weekend.
Southbound traffic on a portion of S. Center and westbound traffic on a portion of 7 Mile will be redirected. Repairs are expected to be complete on Monday morning, July 26. Because this road serves as a main entry point to the city, please seek an alternate route.
Meanwhile, work on Griswold Street between Main Street and Butler Avenue is expected to be completed on Friday, July 23.
Watch for Nexel updates on these projects if conditions change.
If you have questions or need a special accommodation, please contact DPW at 248-305-2840. Staff and construction crews appreciate your cooperation and patience during road construction projects.