Power came back on at City Hall early Friday morning so it will be business as usual on July 28. The city lights shone brightly close to 11 p.m. Thursday night as power was restored to the business district and residential areas that had been without power since Wednesday afternoon when a severe storm with high winds swept through Southeastern Michigan.
City Manager George Lahanas thanks all those who lent a hand during the power outage. Many city staff worked in offices without air conditioning before the generator went out and the building had to be closed during the afternoon. The DPW staff manned the water tower watch on a 24-hour basis since it had to be powered by a diesel Caterpillar engine to run the back-up system. This allowed for uninterrupted water pressure to the entire city. Public Safety responded promptly to calls that came in requesting assistance. Northville Township Manager Todd Mutchler and Novi City Manager Victor Cardenas opened their buildings to the community of Northville as cooling stations.
Seniors and others who may need a cooling center on Friday, July 28, can visit the Northville District Library, 212 W. Cady, (until 5 p.m.) Northville Township building, 44405 Six Mile, or the Novi government building, 45175 W. 10 Mile, until 4:30 p.m. It’s a good place to recharge phones and other devices and get some refreshing air conditioning during today’s hot weather forecast.
If you have tree limbs from the storm, you can set them at curbside for DPW to pick up today. Next week, they will need to be cut into sections no larger than 6 feet by 6 inches in diameter for pick-up by GFL during regular compost pickup days/hours.
Updated at 8:25 a.m., 7/28/23
Cooling Center at Northville Township building. Photo by Liz Cezat.