Rural Hill Cemetery is located at 215 West Seven Mile Road east of Rogers in Northville. Cemetery records and sales are managed by the City of Northville with the Department of Public Works maintaining the cemetery grounds.
Rural Hill Cemetery expansion is completed
The City of Northville completed the phase II expansion of Rural Hill Cemetery in late summer 2019 and is now selling plots located in the southern-most section (#44A & 44B).
The new section features greenspace for 541 cemetery plots and a wide circular road flanked by towering trees. It is a nice addition to a cemetery that is well-known for its natural beautiful, with rolling hills, a pond, and a multitude of trees in varying sizes and species.
A veteran’s section graces a portion of the cemetery with four stately trees that seem to guard a tall pole with a large flag – snapping in the wind on a brisk fall day – to symbolize the sacrifice those soldiers made for their country.
Work included grading the area, installing an asphalt road and curbs, and adding topsoil and grass. The project brought to life the area envisioned by landscape architects, backed by a well-executed engineering plan. It was performed by Premier Group, of Detroit, which had the lowest cost of seven companies bidding on the expansion. The contract was for $120,034.
Although five mature trees had to be removed during the regrading process, they are being replaced by new trees either in the cemetery or elsewhere in the City (for zero tree loss).
For more information about the cemetery or to reserve a plot, please contact the Department of Public Works.