The Northville City Fire Department charters and operates a Fire-Rescue Explorer program. The program, started in 1994, is for individuals 14-20 who are interested in and want to learn about firefighting and EMS. We are chartered through Learning-for-Life’s Explorer program (a division of Boy Scouts of America), and are a member of the National Volunteer Fire Council’s National Junior Firefighter program and Fire Corps.
Regular meetings are twice a month. Additional meetings are often held to cover special topics. Explorers are involved with planning and implementing trainings. We are often assisted by firefighters from surrounding communities to get a broader range of training.

We are active with other fire, EMS, police, and nursing Explorer programs from Michigan and Ohio. We participate in large mock disasters / mass causality incident drills, field days, competitions and trainings with these other posts. These regional and national events allow Explorers to work with others from different areas and see how tactics and strategies vary among departments and regions. Our post has even assisted another Fire/EMS post with providing medical and first-aid services to the public during a county fair.
Explorers are responsible for maintaining their assigned turnout gear. The post has applied for and successfully received grants to obtain additional gear and tools for training and to enhance and ensure safety of participants during activities. Much of this gear may also be used to assist the community and the Fire Department in the event of a disaster.
We are involved in many community events. We help conduct fire drills at our senior housing facility, assist at festivals, been victims for mock disaster drills and helped other community groups with projects. The post is self funded so we participate in several fundraising activities such as car washes, hydrant painting, leaf clean-ups, and boot drives.

Approximately 80% of our Explorers go on to a career or have some involvement in the Fire or EMS services when they become adults. We have Explorer graduates who are now on our own Department, as well as many other departments, including ones in California, Florida, and a military department. Many of our graduates give back to the group by becoming involved as Advisors and mentors once they become firefighters. Our goal is to continue to provide as broad a training base as possible and instill as much knowledge as we can for our participants to achieve their goal of becoming firefighters and responsible members of their communities.
Explorer post 1717 is a non-funded, self-supporting program. Explorer post operations are not budgeted or funded by the City or Fire Department. No taxes support the program. All Post operations are funded through donations and fundraising. For more information, call 248-449-9920 or 248-449-9902.